But who likes house chores anyway?

I can’t stand chores. I never have and I doubt I ever will… But they have to be done.

There’s just always something that needs doing. Washing clothes, sweeping floor, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the living room, washing dishes, dusting, throwing out the rubbish. The list is endless.

Now I have kids it’s got worse, the amount of times I have to sweep the living room floor is crazy. But we all have to do things we don’t enjoy.

Washing up has to be the number one thing in our house that always needs doing. I can clear the sink and withing 10 minutes is full of dishes again. No matter how often I wash up, there’s always more washing to be done. Having triplets doesn’t just mean extra plates and bowls, but the bottle washing…  Oh the bottle washing is a joke!


Yes, that is a days bottle washing. Every evening, after washing the dishes in the sink, we have phase two… Wash the girls bottles and have them ready for the next day 😐

To be able to withstand this tedious chore, I had to change my way of thinking. I now use the washing up time as my me time. Yes things have got that sad haha. It’s a time where I can think and reflect. 

One day while I was thinking, at my washing up station, this text came to my mind…

Psalms 51:2
Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. (NIV )

So while I was washing up and rinsing off the soap suds, I began asking God to cleanse me of all the sins I had committed today and in the past. My mind started wondering and remembering things that I had forgotten. I brought them all to God and asked Him to remove them. I was reminded that no matter what I have done, if I confess and bring them to Jesus, He will forgive me, just like He can forgive you too.

Sometimes as a parent we get so caught  up with chores and raising out children that we don’t get much time to stop and think. So if you dislike chores like I do, just change how you view it. Use it as your thinking time. Reflect, regroup.

Chores don’t have to be so tedious anymore.

Keep smiling, stay blessed. God loves you.

Triplet Mama Smith x

10 thoughts on “But who likes house chores anyway?

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  1. Hello Tripplet Mama!!! I always wanted twins but didnt get them. You have my RESPECT!!! Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you found something that blessed you. I will be sharing more soon on hearing the voice of God. You also keep up this great work! 🙂 have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thanks Lissette.

      Your blogs are great and I love the fact that you all did missionary work. I would love to do it. I didn’t get the chance before I had children, but hearing that you did it with your children has really inspired me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And the girls say they would never change how they grew up on the mission field. The oldest recently married a Brasilean Missionary and they are on the field now too. The youngest joins them next year. You can do it! Even with triplets! My daugter just told us of a family of 10 who has joined the missionfield recently, one way ticket. Can you believe it? It is done all the time. You can too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Shina!! This is me, Lisette… Yesterday I changed my profile picture and username and the web address to go with my new user name, not realizing it could cause all my followers to lose me. So… this is me all over again… http://www.sorayarosaria.wordpress.com. Content and topic remain the same. Teaching others on how to hear God and sharing my own personal journey with the Lover Of My Soul. If you still enjoy the posts, you can follow here now. 🙂 Keep up the good work always. Blessings…


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